My Learning Reflection.

How this Blog came about, and what it’s about…

As part of the Learning and Collaboration Technologies module, EL6082, I had the opportunity to create this blog – a space where I will be documenting my thoughts, reflections and takeaways from the module and the MA in Technical Communication and eLearning at the University of Limerick.

Through this platform I will reflect on the module content, engage and critically evaluate new concepts, and discuss my personal views and opinions on the theories, tools and application that I encounter during my learning experience.

My blog will serve as a personal reflection tool and also as a showcase if my technical writing and design skills.

I hope you enjoy my journey and possibly gain a tip or two along the way.

“Don’t focus on having a great blog. Focus on producing a blog that’s great for your readers.”

Brian Clark, founder of Copyblogger.